Do you remember the Crochet "Love" Word I made this year for Valentine's day? It occurred to me that I could crochet another one with a typical Christmas word such as JOY. As it's a very easy craft to make, it can be done in no time! You can use it to decorate the house, the Christmas table or even as a gift. Se...
I'm crocheting a big client order full of Christmas ornaments. I made candy canes (here is the free pattern), red stars, Santas 🎅 and reindeers. Estoy tejiendo un pedido grande lleno de adornos navideños. Hice bastones (aquí está el patrón gratuito), estrellas rojas, Papás Noel 🎅 (o Papá Noeles? 😕 ) y renos. Here in Argentina we put up the Christmas tree on the 8th...
This is a very simple pattern but I think it'll look great on your Christmas tree. These candy canes are really easy to make and quick too! Let's get into the Christmas spirit! Este patrón es super simple pero creo que se verá genial en su árbol navideño. Estos bastones son muy fáciles de hacer y rápidos también! Arranquemos con el espíritu navideño!...
Some time ago, I bought this rustic cotton yarn on this gorgeous neutral colour which is perfect for the upcoming Summer days. I decided to knit a top for me. The idea is to use only one colour but a mixture of different stitches. Hace un tiempo, compré este hilo de algodón rústico en este hermoso color crudo que es perfecto para los...
First of all, I have to say a very big THANK YOU for your sweet comments 😘. I'm really happy to be back and I can't wait to keep up to date with what you've been doing. En primer lugar, quiero decirles un enorme GRACIAS por sus amorosos comentarios 😘. Estoy muy feliz de estar de vuelta y no puedo esperar para ponerme al...
Wow! My last post was published in June, that's five months ago! This has been a crazy and exhausting year, full of happy and not so happy moments. As you all know from some posts ago, my husband and I are trying to build our dream home but frankly it's been frustrating at some points. Luckily, we are at the final stages now:...
As most of you know, I made the leap and I started knitting some months ago. Learning how to knit was one of the goals I set for this year. Although I still need to improve A LOT, I’m really glad I began :) Como muchos de ustedes ya saben, dí el gran salto y comencé a tejer a dos agujas hace unos...